March 2025 Agenda
Parish Clerk: Denise Gascoyne 82 Ermine Street ANCASTER NG32 3QP
Tel: 01400 230745 email:
03 March 2025
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of ANCASTER, SUDBROOK AND WEST WILLOUGHBY PARISH COUNCIL to be held on 10 March 2025 in the Parish Hall Annexe at 7.30pm.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting there will be a 10-minute Public Forum when members of the public may address or put questions to the Parish Council on any matter connected with the Agenda, or for inclusion on a future Agenda. They are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting but can take no further part in proceedings.
Denise Gascoyne
Parish Clerk
1. Chair’s Welcome and Housekeeping Arrangements.
2. Apologies for absence To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
3. Declarations of Interest To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in Agenda items not previously noted on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
4. To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
5. Report from County Cllr/District Cllr.
a. Update Mains Sewerage West Willoughby.
b. Update on Ancaster Free School Transport Boundary
c. Update on Littler Copper Hill Roadside Nature Reserve SSSI
6. Chair Update.
a. Joint letter Ancaster & Wilsford Parish Councils to New Earth Solutions(West)Limited.
b. Electricity contract ends 12.12.25 – update on prices.
7. Planning.
a. S24/1841 Planning permission proposed rear and side extension co-op. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
b. S25/0202 Planning application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) North of Sudbrook House
c. Co-op extension – solar panels
8. Highways/Policing/Speed watch.
a. Update on chargers for SID (Speed indicator devices)
b. Village Gates cleaning
9. Parish Clerk Update.
a. Confirmation SKDC Neighbourhood Assistant hand put up dog fouling signs.
b. Annual Parish Meeting – date and format
c. Update on request for Litter Picking Kits
d. Confirmation Who Let’s Your dogs out will no longer be emptying dog bins.
10. Correspondence.
a. Railfuture Newsletter February 2025
b. LALC e-news
c. LCC Town and Parish Council Update February 2025.
d. ‘Interested in becoming a Cllr’ 05.03.24 6pm Council Chamber Grantham.
e. NBB Recycled Furniture
f. Temporary traffic restriction Ancaster Level Crossing 01.04.25 to 02.04.25 10pm-6pm
11. Cemetery/Newton Meadow/Orchard.
12. Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance.
a. Where to position Owl/Kestrel/Bat Boxes
b. Update on letter sent to LCC re grass cutting schedule.
13. Parish Hall.
a. Update on Office rental
b. Update on electrical report requirements.
14. Report from Cllrs.
15. Playing Field.
a. Update on Boundary Playing field/Track.
16. Finance.
a. To resolve to approve and accept Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers, and Cashbook (already circulated) to 28 February and for Chair to sign.
b. To accept Retrospective Approval List and authorise the Chair to sign.
b. To resolve to approve and accept Staff BACS Payments as per the Approval List (already circulated) and authorise the Chair to sign and Clerk to make the payments.
c. To resolve to approve and accept other BACS/DD Payments as per the Approval List (already circulated) and authorise the Chair to sign and Clerk to make the payments.
17. Policies and Procedures.
a. Co-Option Application Form
18. Training.
19. Date of Next Meeting.
a. To confirm the date of the next meeting as 14 April 2025 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall Annexe.
20. To resolve to exclude the media, press and members of the public from the meeting in accordance with S.1(2)Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of business to be transacted.
• Handyman
• S106 monies