January 2025 Minutes
Present: Cllr Sayer(Chair) Cllr Leighton (Vice-Chair)
Cllrs Pearsey, Rock, Lovett, Hollick, Barker, Clarke,
Ferguson, Fleming and Dr Entwistle.
In Attendance: County Cllr P Martin and Denise Gascoyne Parish Clerk
1.Chair’s Welcome. Cllr Sayer welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2.Apologies for Absence. None
3.Declarations of Interest. None
4.To approve and accept the notes of the meeting held on 16 December 2024. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the notes of the meeting held on 16 December 2024 be accepted as a true record. These were signed by the Chair.
5.Report from County Cllr/District Cllr.
County Cllr Martin had received the S19 report from the flooding on Water Lane. The Chair had also received a copy which was heavily redacted. Cllr Martin said he was disappointed. It did say the beck must be maintained, and the Riparian owners will need to take some responsibility. He said Highways have kept the culvert clear and it is flowing.
County Cllr Martin believed the elections would still take place in May 2025. Although, there is a possibility of reorganisation with Lincolnshire being split into 2 councils and see the district councils abolished under minister’s plans for local Government.
The Government has changed the National Planning Policy Framework and house building has gone up. SKDC is hoping to push the local plan through in April 2025.
The Chair asked Cllr Martin if he could investigate the new yellow lines on Mercia Drive/Ermine Street. He said they were really slippery, which was a hazard. Cllr Martin agreed to report back.
Cllrs were concerned about the amount of litter etc on the High Dyke from Mid Uk Re-Cycling. Cllr Martin agreed to contact the Enforcement Officer.
6. Chair Update.
a. It was confirmed that no reply had still been received from the Co-Op re the defibrillator. The Chair said the ones from Heartline did not need any electricity, therefore it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to ask the Railway if they would be interested in housing one.
b. The Chair reported if we decided to market the annexe as a self-contained office, rent was expected to be in the region of £500 to £600 per calendar month. We would need a disabled/unisex toilet, change the fire exit door and secure the 2 inner doors with one set up as an emergency exit. Cllrs discussed this in detail. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to cost the project and report back to the next meeting.
c. Anglian Water had telephoned the Clerk saying that ‘the track’ at the bottom of Hillside running from Wilsford Lane to the water treatment plant did not belong to them. They had been given a ‘right of way’ by West Kesteven in the early 1970s. According to the LCC definitive map this is classed as a formal footpath. The Clerk was awaiting a reply from SKDC.
d. A National Highways and Transport (NHT) Survey had been forwarded to the Chair for completion.
a. S24/2031 SKDC had raised no objection to proposed installation consisting of 9m Light Pole Fullendale House High Dyke Ancaster. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
b. S24/1868 Approval given to work to trees in conservation area 17 Ermine Street. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
c. S24/1868 Outline planning application for residential development of up to 73 dwellings together with open space, landscaping and drainage Wilsford Lane. A zoom meeting had been held between Cllrs and our comments had been forwarded to SKDC. Cllr Martin suggested we contact District Cllr Ian Stokes and asked if he could let the Parish Council know when a site visit was taking place and meet them on site. Also, to attend the planning meeting. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to contact District Cllr Stokes.
d. S24/1802 Approval of prior notification details to larger home extension 2 Manor Croft Sudbrook. FOR INFORMATION ONLY
e. S24/2146 Approval of non-material amendments land R/O Wilsford Lane. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
f. S24/2182 Planning application for re-construction of stone dormer window, associated slate roof repairs and guttering repair. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comment on this application.
8.Highways/Policing/Speed Watch.
a. Cllr Rock told the meeting that he had been approached by residents that since the recent heavy rain they were having problems with their septic tanks. There is no mains sewerage in West Willoughby. Cllr Rock asked if it would be possible for West Willoughby to be connected to the mains. Sudbrook was connected a few years ago. Cllr Martin agreed to contact the relevant authorities and report back.
9.Parish Clerk Update.
a. An enquiry has been submitted for a quotation for chargers for Speed Signs. To date this had not been received. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to contact the company again for a price.
b. The Clerk confirmed we have 47 minutes remaining for maintenance to the website. FOR INFORMATION ONLY
c. A resident in Sudbrook had recently undertaken a litter pick. He asked if SKDC provided litter collection station consisting of pickers, bags and a box type holder. The Clerk had already contacted SKDC and was awaiting a reply.
a. LCC Winter Readiness – circulated to all Cllrs.
b. LCC Town & Parish Newsletter November 2024 – circulated to all Cllrs.
c. SKDC Free Car Parking December 2024 - circulated to all Cllrs.
d. LALC e-news - circulated to all Cllrs.
e. NALC Events Newsletter - circulated to all Cllrs.
f. Lincs Police – 12 Frauds of Christmas - circulated to all Cllrs.
g. Railwatch
h. The Clerk
i. ICCM Winter Journal - passed to Cllr. Hollick
j. LCC Budget and Council Tax Proposal 2025/2026 – comments by 28.01.25
k.Clerks and Councils Direct
l.NBB Outdoors
11.Cemetery/Newton Meadow/Orchard.
a. There was nothing further to report on the Cemetery Audit.
b. The report from the survey done in July 2023 had been received from Natural England. It reported ‘favourable’.
12.Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance.
a. The meeting scheduled for 17 January 2024 had been postponed until 07 February. There will be a report at the next meeting.
13.Parish Hall
a. This was discussed in 6b (Chair Update).
14.Report from Cllrs.
a. The Chair thanked Cllr Hollick for getting a grant of over £800 towards biodiversity from SKDC.
15.Playing Field.
a. The Clerk confirmed that the third instalment of the loan had been paid to the parish council. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
a. The Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 31 December had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 31 December. These were signed by the Chair.
b. The Approval List for BACS Staff Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Approval List for BACS Staff Payments amounting to £1983.24 and authorise the Clerk to make the payments.
c. The Approval List for BACS/DD Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Approval List for BACS/DD Payments and authorise the Clerk to make the following payments.
British Gas Electricity £145.97
LALC Training Scheme £192.00
LALC Subscription £433.34
D Musson (Pro Forma) Orchard £74.02
Rix Efuels (Pro Forma) Oil £655.20
T Ancliffe Joinery Toilets £805.00
Who LetsYour Dog Out Dog Bin Emptying £270.00
S.K.D.C. Trade Waste £28.17
d. The Clerk confirmed the Precept request for 2025/2026 of £32250.00 had been submitted to SKDC.
e. The Clerk confirmed that the claim under the CES scheme had been requested. Payment has been requested and received.
a. LALC Training Bulletin – circulated to all Cllrs.
b. Introduction to Planning – National Planning Policy Framework. Zoom 6.00pm-7.00pm 04.02.25. – No Cllrs available.
c. JADU Training (Website) Zoom – various dates and times – to continue with the ‘Webmaster’.
18.Date of Next Meetings.
a. The Chair and other councillors would be away on the scheduled March meeting. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to hold the meeting a week before on 10 March 2025.
b. The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 17 February 2025 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall Annexe.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm
Signed ………………………………..
Chair Ancaster Parish Council
17 February 2025