Health and Safety Policy
Reviewed and adopted 07 May 2017
Reviewed and adopted 21 May 2018
Reviewed and accepted 15 July 2019
This policy sets out the general principles and approach that Ancaster Parish Council will follow in respect of Health and Safety, and for the parish hall for which the Council is responsible.
It is the responsibility of all councillors and employees of the council to be aware of the following policy statements on Health and Safety and of the organisational arrangements made to implement these policies.
1. Ancaster Parish Council, in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999), accepts its duty to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for its employees. It also accepts its duty of care to other persons such as volunteers and contractors who work on behalf of the council.
2. The Parish Council will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it complies with the law on Health, Safety and Welfare and any relevant Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance. It will provide the resources to ensure the safety of its employees and others affected by its work.
3. The Parish Council will take all reasonable steps to ensure:
3.1 That information, instruction, training, supervision, equipment and facilities necessary to achieve a safe working environment for employees, members of the public, contractors and volunteers are provided.
3.2 That its work in all forms, is done in ways so that members of the public are not put at risk.
3.3 That arrangements are in place for the safe use, handling, storage and disposal of all substances and equipment that may endanger health or welfare.
3.4 That this policy is brought to the attention of all employees, members of the public, contractors, volunteers and councillors and is reviewed annually.
3.5 That when necessary, here is consultation and negotiation with employees on health, safety and welfare at work to ensure continuing improvement.
4. The Parish Council has the ultimate responsibility, however delegated authority is given to the Parish Clerk to ensure:
4.1 make sure that staff implement the requirements of the Council’s Health and Safety Policy.
4.2 Keep copies of all risk assessments, method statements and Health and Safety documents, in labelled Health and Safety files.
4.3 All assets are maintained and repaired to a safe standard.
4.4 All risk assessments are undertaken and reviewed regularly
4.5 All employees/contractors and volunteers have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of any person who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
4.6 That the Council’s Health and Safety Policy is available to all new and temporary employees and volunteers, and that Health and Safety awareness is included in the Council’s induction training.
4.7 Corporate accident and near miss incident sheets are maintained.
4.8 Accident and incident date to identify trends and any appropriate remedial action is reviewed regularly.
4.9 Day to day matters of Health and Safety are dealt with by the Clerk acting on behalf of the Council.
5. Parish Hall
5.1 Any accidents, injuries or dangerous occurrences must be recorded in the accident book in the parish hall. All such incidents should be brought to the attention of the Council.
5.2 A first aid box is in the kitchen, and periodic checks will be carried out to ensure the contents are adequately maintained.
5.3 Day to day matters of Health and Safety at the Parish Hall are dealt with by the Clerk acting on behalf of the Council
6. Fire Safety
6.1 A fire risk assessment is in the Health and Safety file at Clerks home and will be reviewed and revised as and when necessary (at least annually).
6.2 All members of the parish council and user groups must be made aware of the Fire Risk Assessment and its contents.
6.3 It shall be the responsibility of the person booking the parish hall to ensure that fire exits are left clear always.
6.4 The Caretaker will visually inspect the fire extinguishers monthly and the Clerk will organise annual inspections by an appointed contractor.
6.5 The Caretaker will test the fire alarm on a weekly basis.
6.6 Any electrical equipment brought into the parish hall shall be safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner.
6.7 The Caretaker will report any Health and Safety Issues to the Clerk acting on behalf of the Council.