October 2019 Minutes


Present:        Cllr Ms C Fleming (Vice-Chairman), Cllrs Dr J Entwistle, A Newton, A.
            Rock. Ms E Ruggaber, N Barker, J Leighton, and Mrs J Pearsey

In attendance:    3 members of the public, County Cllr R Wootten and Denise Gascoyne Parish Clerk

Public Forum:
A parishioner had emailed the Clerk requesting that the bush overhanging Ermine Street belonging to A C Williams be cut back. The Clerk had already reported this a few weeks ago but would remind them again.

A few months ago, several issues regarding the Co-op had been raised by a parishioner which had not been answered. The Clerk gave a brief resume of its contents. It was agreed that the parishioner should write again to the Co-Op.

One parishioner had telephoned, and another had emailed her about the cars ‘abandoned’ on the grass verge on Angel Court. The Clerk had already contacted PCSO Mooney and was still awaiting a reply.

The meeting began at 7.35pm

1.Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks:
The Chairman Cllr Sayer had sent his apologies, therefore Cllr Ms C Fleming welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.Apologies for Absence:
The Clerk confirmed that apologies with valid reasons had been received from the Chairman Cllr D Sayer and Cllr G Nelson
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that apologies for absence with valid reasons be accepted from the Chairman Cllr D Sayer and Cllr G Nelson.

3.Declarations of Interest:
There was none.

4. To Approve and Accept as a true record the notes of the meeting of 23 September 2019.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 23rd September 2019 be approved and accepted as a true record. These were signed by the Vice-Chairman.

5.Vacancy for a Parish Councillor.
a. The Clerk confirmed that as G Chaplin had resigned, and no requests had been received for an election by 15 October, we can proceed to co-option for this vacancy.
A member of the public wished to be considered for the vacancy. However, an email had also been received from another parishioner.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to ask both interested parties to attend the next meeting on 18 November and then the parish council would co-opt.

6. Report from County Councillor/District Councillor:
a. County Cllr Wootten had raised several issues with Highways. Unfortunately, due to pressure of work the Highways Manager had not been able to reply. Cllr Wootten said he would chase again.
Cllr Wootten told the meeting that the website ‘Fix My Street’ was not working correctly. It was showing ‘work complete’ when it was still outstanding. It was hoped this would be sorted out in the very near future.
Cllr Wootten told the meeting that there had been an increase in people attending Speed Awareness Courses. Last year 11477 and this year 13895. He also said 43 people had lost their lives so far this year in Lincolnshire.
Cllr Wootten reminded everyone to be more vigilant when the clocks go back as there is often a rise in Burglary Dwellings.

7. Speed Watch:
a. In the absence of Tom Livsey Speed Co-Ordinator Cllr Newton reported that two sessions had taken place as part of the EDWARD project. Session 1 was at the Railway 7.30am and Session 2 Ermine Street South at 5.30pm. To date no official feedback had been received from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

8.Highways Issues:
a. The Senior Enforcement Officer at LCC advised that at a site visit, and on other occasions, the wheel wash on the site was seen to be in correct use. She said unfortunately the marking of the road to some extent is unavoidable. The wheel wash effectively moves ‘clods’ of material from the lorry wheels as come from the quarry bed. Although the road is kept free from waste material such as mud and stone it is impossible to keep it dust free, however the quarry owner is considering ways to reduce the problem.

9.Parish Clerk Update:
a. County Cllr Wootten had informed the Clerk they needed to fill in the application form for a bus shelter A153 opposite Rookery Lane to obtain planning permission from Highways. The application form had been received but they needed Highways to confirm they owned the land and would give permission. This would be discussed at the next meeting.

b. The Clerk had contacted Zurich Insurance re the purchase of Safelincs Fire Extinguishers. As they had no problems with these types of extinguishers 4 had been ordered for the parish hall. The pro-forma invoice had been paid and we were just awaiting delivery.

c. The Clerk had written to Anglian Water re the flooding in Mercia Drive. This had happened in 2016 and the Clerk forwarded the correspondence from that time. Anglian and Water had been out to inspect the track and an order put through to the contractor.

d. The grass contractor had reimbursed the parish council for the damage made to the rose bush and plaque in Angel Court. A new sign had been ordered and rose bush purchased. Both had been sited.

e. Parish Cllrs discussed having a structural survey for the village hall. After a short discussion it was felt this was not necessary, but we could contact a commercial boiler contractor to look at the heating system. The caretaker had noticed a leak in the roof during the heavy rains.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: not to have a structural survey, but to contact a commercial boiler contractor to look at the heating system, and to contact a roofer to assess the state of the flat roof.

a. ICCM bulletin – forwarded to Cllr Newton and Cllrs Dr Entwistle
b. LALC Weekly updates – circulated to all Cllrs

c. Railwatch – passed to Cllr Newton. 
Cllr Dr Entwistle asked if anyone knew what was happening at Ancaster Station. Cllr Newton said eventually the entrance at Pottergate would be reconfigured. 
Cllr Ms Fleming said it was very rare that she paid a fare on the train when travelling from Ancaster to Sleaford and Grantham. Other parishioners had mentioned this too. Cllr Fleming said if passengers were not paying their fare, the company may think that the line is not being used, and therefore no trains would stop at Ancaster.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to contact Abellio and ask why fares were not being collected

11.Cemetery/Newton Meadow/Churchyard:
a. Confirmation was given that the hedge in the cemetery would be cut in the next few days.

12.Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance:
a. The first cut by EnvironmentSK had been made and the second cut would be made in the next few days weather permitting.
b. The grass cutting contracts would be out to tender for the next cutting season. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to ask for tenders for one cutting season, and not a 5-year one as previously done.

a. The Approval List of BACS payments had been circulated. These had been checked by Cllr Sayer.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to authorise the BACS payments amounting to £1540.70 as per the approval list.

b. The Approval List of Cheque/DD payments had been circulated. These had been checked by Cllr Sayer.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to authorise the following cheque payments. The cheques were signed by Cllr Sayer prior to the meeting and Cllr Ms C Fleming.

101381    ICCM    Training costs    £162.00
101382    A Newton    Rose Bush    £22.99
101383    Selby Office Supplies    Toner Cartridge    £70.76
101384    D Sayer    Chairman’s Allowance    £75.00
101385    D G Ancliffe    Supply and change light fittings    £260.00
101386    D R Sharpe    Cut Wilsford lane hedge    £250.00
101387    Viking Signs    Replacement plaque    £13.52
101388    Environment SK Ltd    Grass cutting    £1262.40
DD    Opus Energy    Electricity    £69.88
BACS    Safelincs Ltd    Fire extinguishers    £541.15

BACS    Proweb    Computer and set up    £506.49*

* This BACS payment was made on 06.10.19

c. The Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 30 September 2019 had been circulated to all Cllrs.
It as proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 30 September 2019.

d. The first draft of the budget 2020-2021 had been circulated to all Cllrs. The day to day running of the council had been filled in. Projects for the next financial year would be discussed at the November meeting.

e. The Clerk confirmed the second half of the Precept had been received.

a. Notice of Public Consultation on Main Modification to Local Plan 2011-2036. Public Consultation from 30 September to 11 November had been circulated to all Cllrs and notice placed on notice board.
It was proposed, seconded and

b. PL/0110/19 Sudbrook Quarry. Cllr Leighton said there was an active group discussing conditions to be sent to LCC. They had been in touch with the Denton Quarry group who had won their case, they were also taking legal advice. He would report back at future meetings.

c. S19/1694 Planning application for construction of a single storey detached garage 12 Brookside.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.

15.Playing Field:
a. The Clerk reported that she had now received all the finance documents from the former Treasurer Daniel Brister. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to hold an initial meeting on the 04 November at 7.30pm in the annexe to try to form a committee for the playing field. All interested parish councillors were asked to attend.

16.Report from School Governor:
a. Cllr Dr Entwistle reported that the school were interested in taking part in activities in the village. Cllr Newton said that the section at Ancaster Station which the school children had created, needed attention. They were also involved with Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust. Cllr Dr Entwistle agreed to remind the school.

17.Sudbrook and West Willoughby Village Hall:
a. Cllr Newton said he had spoken to the Chairman Cllr Sayer about the Trustees approaching the Charity’s commission for a change in the area of benefit, the purpose of this would ensure that when the Trustee’s ask the Charity’s Commission for a change of use they only have to canvas the residents of Sudbrook and West Willoughby, to discuss the use of land in future.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to ask the Chairman to write a letter of support for the change to the area of benefit.

b. The Sudbrook and West Willoughby village hall committee now have a page on the Ancaster website. The Clerk confirmed this had been updated and the minutes added.

c. Cllr Newton said that he had taken down the notice board to move it to the site. Unfortunately, it was in a bad state and needed substantial repairs. He would look at this and report back. Cllr Newton also requested we order some ‘No Dog Fouling’ signs from SKDC.

a. Cllr Dr J Entwistle confirmed she would be attending the Cemetery Management and Compliance Course on 25 October at Deeping St James Parish Council. She would report back to the next meeting.

19.Date of Next Meeting:
a. It was noted that the date of the next parish council meeting would be 18 November at 7.30pm in the parish hall annexe.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become Minutes of ANCASTER, SUDBROOK, AND WEST WILLOUGHBY PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.