April 2019 Minutes
Present: Cllr David Sayer (Chairman)
Cllrs A Rock, N Barker, A Newton, J Leighton, and G Palmer
In Attendance: County Cllr R Wootten, District Cllrs Mrs R Kaberry, -Brown, I Stokes, Eva Ruggaber and Denise Gascoyne Parish Clerk
Absent: Cllrs Dr J Entwistle, Ms C Fleming, Mrs J Pearsey and G Chaplin
Public Forum:
The Clerk told the meeting she had had a complaint about noise in the playing field in the evening. The meeting heard that play equipment had been on the site since the 1950s, although there was a short time when it had been removed and replaced with new.
Simon Pattison Mid UK was unable to attend the meeting however he had reported that the recent exercise had gone well with positive outcomes.
The meeting began at 7.40pm
1.Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks:
The Chairman Cllr D Sayer welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2.Apologies for Absence:
The Clerk confirmed that apologies for absence with valid reasons had been received from Cllrs Dr J Entwistle, Ms C Fleming, Mrs J Pearsey and G Chaplin.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that apologies for absence with valid reasons be accepted from Cllrs Dr J Entwistle, Ms C Fleming, Mrs J Pearsey and G Chaplin.
3.Declarations of Interest: There were none.
4.To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the meeting held on Monday 18 March 2019.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the official minutes of the meeting held on Monday 18 March 2019 be approved and accepted as a true record. These were signed by the Chairman.
5.Report from County Councillor/District Councillors:
a. County Cllr R Wootten confirmed that he had chased the Highways Manager again re the pothole at the junction of Rookery Lane and the broken manhole cover in Sudbrook. He confirmed this would not be a high priority as this was not a main A road. However, he agreed to chase again.
District Cllr Mrs Kaberry-Brown asked when LCC were expected to resurface/patch Rookery Lane. This was originally expected in 2016. It had been measured up, but then put back to the bottom of the list. It was also noted that the pothole on Fir Tree Lane which had recently been filled was coming out again.
County Cllr Wootten said he would report it, but anyone can report these problems through ‘Fix My Street’
6.Community Speed Watch:
a. Tom Livsey reported that a training session had been held in the parish hall and the speed check equipment had been received. He said there was now a team of 10 approved volunteers. He would be meeting with Dave Mitchell to have the CSW locations signed off and then speed checks could begin. Another training session will be held for those unable to attend the first meeting.
b. The Clerk confirmed the village gates had been received. Cllr Sayer had put out a request for anyone who had a licence to work on the highways to install the gates. He would contact Wheatcroft Land and see if they could help.
7. Highways Issues:
a. Confirmation had been received that Barkston & Syston Parish Council would include support for the speed reduction A153 West Willoughby and would be added to their next agenda.
b. The Highways Manager had confirmed he would confirm their stance as to increased heavy traffic through Ancaster.
8.Parish Clerk Update:
a. The refurbishment of the phone box had taken place. E-on confirmed that there is an electricity supply to the box and we just needed a good electrician to connect. Cllr Newton confirmed he had contacted a local electrician and would report back.
b. The Chairman thanked District Councillors Mrs Rosemary Kaberry-Brown and Ian stokes for their Ward Contribution Grants towards the defibrillator and phone box renovation.
c. The potholes had been reported again on Station Approach. These had been assigned to the Customer Relationship team for further investigation.
Cllr Newton reported that David Jeffery had now taken over as Station Adopter and will look after the upkeep of the station. Abellio a Dutch company would be taking over East Midlands Trains and consultations were taking place for a more effective service.
a. LALC News Issue No.168 – circulated to all Cllrs.
b. ICCM Spring Issue – forwarded to Cllr Newton.
c. Community Lincs News & Updates March 2019 – circulated to all Cllrs.
d. Village & Community Hall News Update – circulated to all Cllrs.
e. Community Lincs Update – circulated to all Cllrs
f. ICO latest news – circulated to all Cllrs
g. Updated Street Lighting Policy – circulated to all Cllrs
h. LCR (National Association of Local Councils) Winter 2020 – circulated to
10.Cemetery/Newton Meadow/Churchyard:
a. Notification had been received that some parish council have a policy for plot refund in a cemetery.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to contact ICCM for clarification.
b. Cllr Newton requested that we apply for a War Memorial Grave sign for the cemetery.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to order the sign and put on the cemetery gate.
11. Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance:
a. Cllr Newton confirmed that the second cut had now taken place, except for the cemetery which would be done next week.
a. The Approval List of BACS Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. The amounts had been checked by Cllr Sayer.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to authorise the BACS payments amounting to £1636.37 as per the Approval List.
b. The Approval List of Cheque Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. The invoices had been checked by Cllr Sayer.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make the following Cheque Payments. The cheques were signed before the meeting by Cllr Ms Fleming and at the meeting Cllr Sayer
101352 E-On Electricity £46.37
101353 D Gascoyne CiLCA Training £150.00
101354 I.C.C.M Membership £95.00
101355 Glasdon UK Village Gates £4842.36
101356 Clarke’s Plumbing Renovation Sudbrook Phone Box £631.75
101357 BK Pest Control Pest control £80.00
101358 D Gascoyne 50% SLCC membership £78.00
DD Opus Energy Electricity £108.36
c. The Clerk confirmed the VAT repayment for 2018/2019 had been applied for.
d. Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2018/2019 was read out by the Chairman. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2018/2019 be filled in and signed by the Chairman. This was recorded as Minute reference 12(d).
e. Section 2 Accounting Statements 2018/2019 of the AGAR had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that Section 2 Accounting Statements 2018/2019 of the AGAR be signed by the Chairman and Responsible Finance Officer. This was recorded as Minute reference 12(e).
f. The Cashbook summary had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Cashbook summary.
h. The Clerk confirmed the first half of the Precept amounting to £13153.50 had been received.
a. District Cllr I Stokes had contacted the Strategic Director at SKDC re the land lying to the north side of Willoughby Road. He would inform the parish council of his findings.
b. PL/0138/18 Confirmation application to retain a boundary stone wall at Castle quarry had been withdrawn. FOR INFORMATION ONLY
c. S19/0491 Planning application for Erection of Detached Hobby Building Norwood, Rookery Lane Sudbrook.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.
d. S19/0169 Planning permission for replacement of existing prefabricated concrete sectional garage with brick build garage Aingarth Main Street Sudbrook. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
e. S19/1927 Planning permission to recover south porch roof in terne coated steel St Martins Church. FOR INFORMATION ONLY
14.Parish Hall:
a. The Parish Hall needed some refurbishment. Cllrs discussed the possibility of a new heating system and new toilets.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to put this on the June Agenda for further discussion.
15.Training: None this meeting.
16.Date of Next Meetings:
a. After a short discussion it was resolved to hold both the Annual Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting on 13th May.
• Annual Parish Meeting 7.00pm
• Annual Meeting 7.30pm
This part of the meeting closed at 8.35pm
17.To Resolve to move into Closed Session:
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the Parish Council move into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted.
The meeting continued in the absence of the public. (Not for publication by virtue of Section 100(a) Para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.
Following a full discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the proposals re staff wages.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.41pm
It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become Minutes of ANCASTER, SUDBROOK, AND WEST WILLOUGHBY PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.