June 2019 Minutes


Present:            Cllr D Sayer (Chairman)
Cllrs G Chaplin, J Leighton, N Barker, Mrs J Pearsey, Ms C Fleming, Dr J Entwistle, A Rock, A Newton, and Ms E Ruggaber

In Attendance:    County Cllr R Wooten, District Cllrs Mrs Kaberry-Brown and I Stokes and Denise Gascoyne Parish Clerk

Public Forum:        There was none

1.Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks:
The Chairman Cllr D Sayer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.Apologies for Absence:     There were no apologies

3.Declarations of Interest:    There were no Declarations of Interest,    

4.To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the Annual Meeting held on Monday 13 May 2019.
There was one amendment to the minutes. N Barker instead of A Barker. 
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that after the amendment had been made, the official minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 May 2019 be approved and accepted as a true record. These were signed by the Chairman.

5.Vacancy for Parish Councillor:
The Clerk confirmed we have a vacancy for a parish councillor and can co-opt.

6.To approve and re-adopt the policies listed below en-bloc
•    Information and Data Protection Policy
•    Recording of Council Meetings Policy
•    Risk Management Policy
•    Records Retention Policy
•    Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy
•    Subject Access Request Procedure
•    Training and Development Policy
•    Freedom of Information Act
•    Data Protection Policy

It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to approve and re-adopt the polices listed above en-bloc.

7.Report from County Councillor/District Councillors:
a. No reply had been received from The Highways Manager re heavy good vehicles travelling through Ancaster. This had been forwarded to Cllr Wootten.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to add this to the list that Cllr Wooten would present to The Highways Manager.

b. Cllrs had put together a list of areas that needed attention for The Highways Manager. Cllr Wootten agreed to discuss these with him. Cllrs were asked to let the Clerk know if any further issues arose so they could be added to the list.

8.Speed Watch: 
a. Qty.6 ‘30mph’ passive signs and Qty.3 ‘40mph’ passive signs had been ordered and received. The invoice would be paid at this meeting.

b. The contract for installation of village gates had been awarded to J C Groundworks. Cllr Newton reported that he had originally planned to meet with the contractor this morning, but the adverse weather had prevented this. It was hoped to meet tomorrow. Cllr Newton suggested that the gates should be installed at an angle approx. 20degrees to give a better idea of narrowing.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the Clerk contact the Highways Manager requesting this.

c. Tom Livsey Speed watch Co-Ordinator reported that we now have a full complement of trained volunteers for the Community Speed Watch

d. A ‘lock box’ at the parish hall had been suggested for the speed watch equipment.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to get prices and examples for the next meeting.

9.Highways Issues:
a. A request had been received for the purchase of a bus shelter Rookery Lane/A153. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to add this to the list for The Highways Manager to see if this was acceptable.

10. Parish Clerk Update:
a. A list of members of working groups had been circulated to all Cllrs. This was for information only and if any Cllr wished to be removed/added they would inform the Clerk and a new list issued.

b. It had been suggested that the parish council should have representatives on the former Village Hall Site and on the School Board of Governors.
Cllr Newton agreed to be the representative on former Sudbrook Village Hall site.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the Clerk contact the school re the School Board of Governors. Dr J Entwistle agreed to be the representative if they accepted a representative.

c. Confirmation that Barkston and Syston Parish Council would support us for a 40mph speed limit from the end of the existing limit at ‘Woody’s’ through to the end of the existing 50mph limit through West Willoughby.

a. LALC Weekly updates – circulated to Cllrs.
b. Roadside Nature Reserve information/training evening 11.7.19 Copper Hill – circulated to Cllrs.
c. Community Lincs – circulated to Cllrs.
d. LALC’s Conference & AGM 15.10.19 West Ashby – circulated to Cllrs

e. A letter had been received from a parishioner re issues already reported to the Co-op to which he still had not had a reply. This has been circulated to all Cllrs. 
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: The Chairman agreed to contact the CEO at the Co-op re the issues reported.

f. A letter had been received from a parishioner about a couple of issues relating to Ancaster Parish Council. The Chairman had replied. These had been circulated to all Cllrs
g. NALC Star Awards – circulated to all Cllrs
h. Temporary traffic restriction Barkston Heath 08.00-13.00hrs 0.6.19 FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
i. LALC News No.169 included Community Speed watch in Ancaster – circulated to all Cllrs.

12.Cemetery/Newton Meadow/Churchyard:
a. BBC Countryfile had filmed the thrift in Ancaster Cemetery on 06 June. Cllr Newton reported
they had filmed form 8.30am until 11.00am and the episode would be aired on the 23rd June, although this was to be confirmed. The thrift was flourishing this year and several cages had been put it to protect it. A portion of the NW section would be taped off to allow the thrift to grow and to aid the grass contractor.
Part of the Churchyard had been re-strimmed as areas had been missed. The next cut was scheduled for Monday 17th June.

13.Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance:
a. There was a vacancy for a Station Adopter – Cllr Sayer agreed to advertise this on Facebook.
b. The fault in Sudbrook Phone Box had been traced by Western Power and our electrician would now wire up the defibrillator. He would also put in a light sensitive LED light.

a. The Approval List of BACS Payments had been circulated. The amounts and orders had been checked by Cllr Sayer. 
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to authorise the BACS Payments amounting to £1597.79 as per the Approval List.

b. The Approval List of Cheque/DD Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. The amounts and invoices had been checked by Cllr Sayer.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make the following cheque payments. The cheques were signed by Cllr Sayer and Cllr Ms Fleming.

101363    Galleon Supplies    Cleaning materials    £41.40
101364    Lincolnshire County Council    Passive signs    £90.00
101365    Town & Country Grounds Ltd    Grass cutting    £762.00
101366    David Sayer    Chair Allowance    £75.00
101367    Andrew Newton    Cemetery expenses    £27.81
101368    Town & Country    Additional cutting    £372.00

c. The bank reconciliations, bank transfers and cashbook to 31 May 2019 had been circulated to all Cllrs.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the bank reconciliations, bank transfers and cashbook to 31 May 2019.                                
d. The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Eva Ruggaber had been added to the bank mandate and this has been posted to HSBC for verification.

e. Confirmation had been received that the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) is in a queue for processing.

a. Modification to definitive map and statement of public rights of way Ancaster – addition of restricted byway 1156 and record part of restricted byway 12 with a width. The Clerk had put a copy on the notice board, and this would be displayed until 22 July.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: not to forward any comments at this stage.

b. S19/0491 Refusal of planning permission for erection of detached hobby building Norwood Rookery Lane Sudbrook. FOR INFORMATION ONLY

c. S19/0794 Planning application for alterations to listed building incl. demolition of single storey extension, removal of internal walls and alteration of rear door opening to form window. Sudbrook House.
It was proposed, seconded and 
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.

d. S19/0793 Installation of LPG tanks and erection of triple gate etc Sudbrook House.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.

e. S19/0892 Planning application for change of use from garden room to barber shop 29 Ermine Street.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.

f. S18/1737 The Planning Inspectorate had allowed the appeal for excavation of a winter storage lagoon Fineturf.

g. It had been reported that a planning application was being prepared to open a quarry at Rookery Lane Sudbrook.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that as soon as this application was received it would be circulated to all Cllrs.

16.Playing Field
a. The Clerk had contacted the playing field committee to inform them that Cllr Ruggaber had been appointed as Parish Council representative.

17. Training:
a. The Clerk confirmed that 2 places had been booked on New Councillor training at Carlton Scroop on 16 July 2019.

18. Date of Next Meeting:
a. It was noted the next Parish Council Meeting would take place on 15 July 2019 at 7.30pm in the parish hall annexe.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.34pm

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become Minutes of ANCASTER, SUDBROOK, AND WEST WILLOUGHBY PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.