June 2022 Minutes


Present:        Cllr D Sayer(Chair) Cllr J Leighton(Vice-Chair) 
            Cllr Mrs A Hollick, N Barker, A Rock, and Dr J Entwistle

In attendance:    District Cllr I Stokes and Denise Gascoyne Parish Clerk

Public Forum:    No issues.

The meeting began at 7.30pm

1.Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks:
a. The Chair Cllr D Sayer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.Apologies for Absence:
a. The Clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons had been received from Cllr W Rowlett and Cllr J Pearsey.  It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that apologies for absence with valid reasons be accepted from Cllr W Rowlett and Cllr J Pearsey.

3.Declarations of Interest: No declarations of interest declared.

4.To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the Annual Meeting and Parish Council meeting held on 16 May 2022. There were a couple of typing errors, which the Clerk had amended and produced new copies. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept  the notes of the Annual Meeting and Parish Council Meeting held on 16 May 2022 as a true record, and the Chairman signed the minutes.

5.Report from County Councillor and District Councillor:
a. The Clerk told the meeting that County Cllr Wooten’s health was improving, and it was hoped he would soon be back to the meetings. 
b. District Cllr I Stokes gave apologies for District Cllr R Kaberry-Brown he said she was still recovering.
Cllr Stokes told the meeting that he was now on the Planning Committee and said a change to constitution and new structures were being implemented at SKDC. He also said he felt that we should look into producing a Local Plan. Cllr Dr Entwistle said that her husband had done a lot of work on this already and at the moment with the changes proposed to planning legislation it was really not the time to continue. All Cllrs agreed with this.

6.Speed Watch:
a. To date no notification had been received of any future Speed Watch taking place, but when received the dates would be put on the Website and Facebook. Cllr A Hollick reminded the Clerk she still needed training. The Clerk to contact the co-ordinator.

7.Highways Issues:
a. The Chair reminded Cllrs that Ermine Street should be resurfaced in October at a cost of approximately £250k, although he felt this should be done sooner, the road must be one of the worst in the county.
b. Cllr Leighton said notification of grants for bus shelters had been received. He would investigate the possibility of one at Sudbrook Lane End and West Willoughby. He would report back at a future meeting.

8.Parish Clerk Update:
a. The Clerk confirmed that the DPI Forms for all Cllrs had been forwarded to SKDC with a request not to publish addresses.

b. The Neighbourhood Policing Inspector had requested parishes submit their priorities for their area. This had been returned by the Clerk and a copy circulated to all Cllrs.

a. LALC e-news – circulated to all Cllrs.
b. LCC notification temporary traffic restriction Waterwell Lane 02.05.22 to 30.05.22 – circulated to all Cllrs.
c. Local Councils Update – passed to Cllr  A Hollick
d. ICCM Summer 2022 magazine – passed to Cllr Dr J Entwistle
e. Confirmation Bus Shelter Scheme is open to applications – see 7b
f. LCC Town and Parish Newsletter May 2022 – circulated to all Cllrs.

10.Cemetery and Newton Meadow:
a. Notification had been received that a survey had been done in Ancaster closed Churchyard. The survey has identified 280 out of the 287 visible memorials and the Churchwarden has a copy of the survey. It was also on the website ‘A Church Near You St Martin’s’ The authors had asked that this be made known to a wider audience, however they did not want their names on the document. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that if anyone asked the Parish Council for information to point them towards the Church website. 

11.Grass Cutting and Grounds Maintenance:
a. Cllr Dr Entwistle told the meeting that the ragwort needed pulling in the cemetery and the orchard. Andrew Newton had resigned as a Parish Cllr, and the parish council were honest about how much he had done for the council. Cllrs Dr Entwistle and Cllr A Hollick had spent a few hours in the cemetery pulling ragwort. Cllr Dr Entwistle suggested either a working group at a weekend or pay somebody to do the work. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to ask for two prices to pull the ragwort.
b. Cllrs were a little concerned about the lack of grass cutting at the Parish Hall and Brookside. They appreciate it may have been left for ‘no mow May’ but it should be cut down. 

a. The Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 31 May 2022 had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 31 May 2022 and these were signed by the Chair.

b. The Staff BACS Payments Approval List had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Staff BACS Approval List amounting to £1682.60 and to authorise the clerk to make the payments.

c. The Approval List for BACS/DD Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the following BACS/DD Payments, and authorise the Clerk to make the payments

Environment SK Ltd    Grass cutting    £486.90
Glasdon UK    Plastic liner for dog bin    £34.42
Opus Energy    Electricity    £67.05
S.K.D.C    Trade Waste Bins June    £19.50
Environment SK Ltd    Grass Cutting (March)    £486.90
Glasdon UK    Gateway signs(withheld)    £696.77
James Bell    Website    £30.00

d. The Clerk confirmed that the Grant for Community Cleaners had been authorised by SKDC and the amount paid into the bank by BACS.

e. The Approval List for Retrospective Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and 
Resolved: to accept the following Retrospective Payments.

S.K.D.C    Trade Waste Bins May    £19.50

a. S22/1027 Planning application for proposed single storey extension 10 Mercia Drive. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application

b. The Construction Environment Management Plan for land off Wilsford Lane had been received.

c. S22/0718 Planning permission for extension to dwelling 26 Minerva Close. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.

d. S22/0909 Permission to reduce height of Silver Birch 14 Roman Way. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.

e. S22/1075 Planning application for installation of roof mounted 129kW solar PV System, Shipley Structures Ltd. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.

14.Parish Hall:
a. Cllr Sayer reported that we were still awaiting the plans to be drawn up. When they are the planning application for change of use is ready to be submitted. 
b. Cllrs discussed the present heating system in the parish hall. It had been rumoured that grants would be available for village halls in the very near future. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that subject to grants we would investigate changing the heating system.

a. The following policies had been circulated to all Cllrs.
•    Code of Conduct
•    Data Breach Policy
•    Data Protection Policy
•    Social Media Policy
•    Complaints Procedure
•    Records Retention Policy
•    Equal Opportunities Policy

Cllrs had read the above polices and typing errors had been amended. All the policies are NALC/LALC templates. The Clerk was asked to contact LALC re wording on the Data Breach Policy.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to adopt the above policies en-bloc, excluding the Data Breach Policy which would be on the agenda next month.

16.Report from Councillors:
a. Cllr J Pearsey had sent her apologies. In an email she reported that the pigs had been removed from the fields nearest to West Willoughby following a visit from the SKDC Environmental Department. It is hoped they will all soon be removed.

17.Playing Field:
a. A letter had been received asking if the Parish Council would be willing to pay for the grass cutting of the children’s corner. After a short discussion it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to pay £700.00 per annum towards the grass cutting of the children’s corner.

The following training was offered to Cllrs. Cllrs to inform Clerk if they wish to book.
a.    First Aid – LALC Offices 28.06.22 from 9.30am-4.00pm
b.    Councillor Training Day – LALC Offices 29.06.22 from 10.00am-4.00pm
c.    New Councillor Training – Zoom 13.07.22 from 10.00am-1.00pm
d.    New Councillor Training – Zoom 19.07.22 from 6.00pm-8.00pm
e.    Introducing LALC’s new CRM System and Website on the following dates
•    Zoom 20.07.22 10.00am-1.00pm
•    Zoom 26.07.22 6.00pm-8.00pm
•    Zoom 27.07.22 1.00pm-3.00pm

19.Date of Next Meeting:
a. The date of the next meeting was scheduled for 18 July 2022 at 7.30pm in the parish hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm