August 2022 Minutes


Present:        Cllr D Sayer(Chair) Cllr J Leighton(Vice-Chair)
            Cllrs A Hollick, N Barker, J Pearsey, Dr  Entwistle

In Attendance:    District Cllr I Stokes, 2 members of the public and Denise 
            Gascoyne Parish Clerk

Public Forum:
The two members of the public were members of the Speed Watch team. They said they had reached an impasse with no feedback at all.  Approximately 2 sessions were held each week which gave fairly consistent results. Less traffic approx.5% speeding, heavier traffic 3%. The Area Co-Ordinator had recently attended a session, but to date no feedback had been received. The Chair suggested these details be put in an email and he would follow it up.

The new notice board is now in situ at Sudbrook. The Parish Council were informed who the key holders were and asked if they wanted a set of keys. This didn’t seem necessary.

The meeting began at 7.45pm

1.Chair’s Welcoming Remarks:
a. The Chair Cllr  Sayer welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting in July had been cancelled due to  the extreme heat, and not being quorate.

2.Apologies for Absence:
a. The Clerk reported that apologies with valid reasons had been received from A Rock. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept apologies with valid reasons from A Rock

3.Declarations of Interest:
a. Cllr Pearsey – Item 10

4.To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20 June 2022. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the  notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20 June be accepted as minutes and these were signed by the Chair.

5.Report from County Councillor and District Councillor:
a. County Cllr Wootten had sent his apologies.

b. District Cllr Stokes said the ‘Big Clean’ would be in the area again. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to request they come to Ancaster and concentrate on the area around the crossroads.
6.Speed Watch:
a. It was confirmed that Cllr Hollick was able to take part in CSW sessions in the parish. Other issues had been discussed in the Open Forum.

7. Highways Issues:
a. Confirmation had been received that the main scheme on Ermine Street will take place in October. However, minor repairs may take place before that time. Markings had already been made on Ermine Street.

8. Parish Clerk Update:
a. The Clerk had prepared a report which was for information only, which had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the report, and confirm no action was required.

b. The Emergency Plan needed updating. The Chairman of Wilsford PC, Andrew Newton and the Clerk would arrange a meeting to investigate.

c. Cllr Hollick had requested the Speed Limit at West Willoughby be put back on the agenda. At the meeting on 20 January 2020 County Cllr Wootten had reported that once the bus shelter was in situ  Richard Davis LCC Highways would look at this ‘favourably’ It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to contact Cllr Davis and remind him what he had said.

9. Correspondence:
a. A list of correspondence had been circulated to all Cllrs which was for information only. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the list and confirm to action was required.

10. Cemetery/Newton Meadow/Orchard:
a. The Clerk confirmed that the Ragwort Pull had been completed and the invoice paid. 

b.The contractor who completed the Ragwort Pull said the Orchard all needs strimming/bush cutting to an appropriate level, The debris should be raked up and put in the appropriate grass collection boxes. Once this is completed the soil around the base of each fruit tree should be cleared of any grass etc to allow the tree roots not to fight for any moisture in the soil. This would give the tree the best chance of surviving and bearing fruit and make the area a lot more presentable. Wildflower areas would have to be identified prior to any work and/or any protected areas within the orchard. A quotation had been received for the work above. After a short discussion it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to issue an order to the contractor for the work to be done.                

11. Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance:
a. Cllr Hollick had forwarded a summary of work undertaken/outstanding, and action required as of 5th August. This had been circulated to all Cllrs. Cllr Hollick would purchase more disks and adhesive, as 26 had been dislodged. It was proposed, seconded and 
Resolved: the Clerk to email Environmental SK and ask them the following:
•    to review their cutting methods with an aim to reducing loss of identity disks. 
•    Cut external verges
•    Inform them thrift cages have been removed in NE Section and the cut and drop mowing can now be undertaken.
•    To place grass cuttings inside bays in future
•    The unscheduled work(6 hours) to include
•    Strim Church Lane verge RH side from Main Road to Angel Court gate
•    Cut back overhanging shrubs and branches on LH side of Church Lane from Cemetery to LWT Moor Closes gate opposite Angel Court gate.

12. Finance:
a. The Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 30 June 2022 and 31 July 2022 had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 30 June 2022 and 31 July 2022. These were signed by the Chair.

b. The retrospective Staff BACS Payments paid in July  had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the retrospective Staff BACS Payments paid in July amounting to £1682.60.

c. The retrospective BACS/DD Payments paid in July had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the following retrospective BACS/DD Payments
K M Barrett    Window Cleaning    £40.00
J Bell    Website    £30.00
P Gascoyne    Fixing Gates    £150.00
Environment SK    Grass cutting    £498.96

d. The Staff BACS Payments Approval List had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Staff BACS Approval List amounting to £1690.60 and to authorise the Clerk to make the payments.

e. The BACS/DD Payments Approval List had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the following BACS/DD Payments and to authorise the Clerk to make the payments.
James Bell    Maintaining Website    £30.00
PKF Littlejohn    Audit Fee    £360.00
ICO    Data Protection Fee    £35.00
Environment SK    Grass cutting    £498.96
Euro Office    Stationery    £60.24
Environment SK    Grass cutting    £194.14
M H Blankley    Plumbing repairs    £372.96
Opus Energy    Electricity    £60.43
Hoverclean    Jet wash Gates    £120.00
S.K.D.C    Trade Waste Bins    £19.50
f. PKF Littlejohn have completed the Limited Assurance Review for year ending 31 March 2022. This is published on the website and notice board.

g. The Clerk confirmed that our contract with Opus our energy supplier ends on 12 December. 

h. Every five years parish councils are given the option to opt out of the central procurement regime managed by SAAA. (Smaller Authorities Audit Appointment) but would still need auditing by a professional auditor.  After a short discussion it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to continue as part of the SAAA sector led auditor appointment regime.

13. Planning:
a. S22/0994 Planning application to remove 6 windows on the north and east elevation and replace with new hardwood windows like for like. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments.

b. S22/1075 Planning application for Installation of roof mounted 129kW solar PV system comprising of 340 x Canadian Solar 380w solar modules. Shipley Structures Ltd. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments

c. S22/0984 Approval of details reserved by Condition 9 of permission S20/1169 – Construction Management Plan and Method Statement. FOR INFORMATION ONLY

d. S22/1027 Planning permission single storey extension to the rear of existing building 10 Mercia Drive. FOR INFORMATION ONLY

e.S22/1382 Planning application and approval to remove Willow. Highways clearance to Ash. Crown Lift Sycamore The Old Vicarage. FOR INFORMATION ONLY

f.S22/1346 planning application for single storey side extension 5 Paddock Close. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments.

g.S22/1356 Planning application to discharge obligation Open space specification and management plan Land off Wilsford Lane. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments.

h. S22/1371 Planning application for removal of internal walls, formation of WC/Utility room, installation of Air Source Heat Pump and installation of new multi-fuel burner with external flue. 47 Ermine Street. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments.

i.S22/1434 Planning application for erection of timber car park to front of dwelling 120 Ermine Street. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments.

j.S22/1401 Planning application for removal of 2 internal walls to rear of property. Installation of new air source heat pump/installation of multi-fuel burner with external flue/installation of patio doors (see S22/1371) 47 Ermine Street. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments.

k.S22/1513 Planning application for removal of 3 conifers and reduce Hazel to height of gate post in rear garden 17 Ermine Street. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments.

14. Parish Hall:
a. The Planning application had been sent to SKDC. To date nothing further had been received.

15. Report from Councillors:
a. Cllr Dr Entwistle was still working on the Welcome Pack and Parish Information. Prior to the pandemic the parish council had discussed suggestion boxes in the village. It was suggested one could go in the Co-Op and one the Surgery. This would be discussed further at a future meeting.

b. Cllr Pearsey gave an update on the silos and pigs at West Willoughby. It was hoped that the silos and pigs would be removed by October.

c. Cllr Leighton had been investigating the purchase and placement of another bus shelter at the top of Rookery Lane. The approximate cost would be £6080.00 + VAT + the Base. A grant of £3000.00 would be applied for. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to give permission to Cllr Leighton to fill in the grant form and contact the contractors.

16. Playing Field:
a. Nothing to report

17. Policies and Procedures:
a. Civility and Respect  Pledge had been circulated to all Cllrs. This was read out by the Chair. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to tick all the boxes except the last one ‘Ancaster Parish Council supports the continued lobbying for the change in legislation to support the Civility and Respect Pledge, including sanctions for elected members where appropriate’

b. A Dignity at Work Policy had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to approve and accept A Dignity At Work Policy

17. Training:
a. A list of training events had been circulated on the Parish Clerk Report. If any Cllr wished to attend they would inform the Clerk by email.

b. The Clerk had attended  Zoom Edge IT training. New updates had been made to the system and would continue resulting in the possibility of a ‘paperless office’ The Clerk would begin incorporating some of the new updates and report back
18.Date of Next Meeting:
a. The date of the next meeting was scheduled for 19 September at 7.30pm in the parish hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.02pm

                            Signed: ……………………….
                            Chair Ancaster Parish Council

                            Date: ……………………………

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the Parish Council Meeting which took place on 22 August 2022 and do not become Minutes of ANCASTER PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the next Parish Council Meeting.