March 2023 Minutes


Present:                Cllr Sayer(Chair) Cllr Leighton (Vice-Chair)
Cllrs Pearsey, Rock, Dr Entwistle, Hollick and Barker

In Attendance:    One member of the public, District Cllr Stokes and Denise Gascoyne Parish Clerk

Public Forum:
The gentleman who attended the meeting was very concerned about the speeding in Ancaster.  The Chair explained what the parish council had done over the past years to try to alleviate the problem. 
He was also concerned re the resurfacing that was taking place overnight for 10 nights. The work was scheduled to start 23rd March from 7.00pm until 6.00am. He had contacted the relevant authorities expressing his concerns. 
The Chair confirmed that a new speed survey would be carried out on Ermine Street once the works were complete. This will provide up-to-date data and allow them to determine if there is a high degree of non-compliance with the speed limit. County Cllr Wootten has also asked they consider the impact of larger vehicles

A list of planning applications received by SKDC had been received. S23/0146 was in the Ancaster Parish. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to add this to the Agenda to be discussed under Item 13(d) 

The meeting began at 7.50pm

1.Chair’s Welcome:
The Chair Cllr Sayer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.Apologies for Absence:
a.The Clerk confirmed that apologies for absence with valid reasons had been received from Cllr Fleming. It was proposed, seconded and 
Resolved: that apologies for absence with valid reasons be accepted from Cllr Fleming.

3.Declarations of Interest:
a. Cllrs Rock, Hollick and Pearsey – Item 13(d).

4.To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 20 February.  A couple of minor typing errors had been picked up and altered. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: the notes of the meeting held on Monday 20 February be accepted as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.

5.Report from County Cllr/District Cllr:
a. County Cllr Wootten was unable to attend.
b. District Cllr Stokes had no report.

6.Speed Watch:
a. The Neighbourhood Policing Inspector had sent his briefing for the last quarter of last year. This had been circulated to all Cllrs.

7.Highways Issues:
a. Notification had been received that Wilsford Lane would be closed from 12 April 2023 to 11 May 2023. The access and egress would remain the same as the last closure.

8.Parish Clerk Update:
a. The Clerk had received notification from the Constituency Assistant to Caroline Johnson MP re the planting of the tree. He said it was her intention to attend the meeting after. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that Cllr Hollick put some wording together for the plaque. When it was time to send out the Agenda we would put Caroline Johnson MP as attending.

b. A meeting would take place at Wilsford on Thursday 23rd at 10.00am to finalise details for the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum Exercise on Tuesday 28 March 2023

c. The Senior Planning  Enforcement Officer from LCC emailed to say he would be visiting both sites on Copper Hill. To date no further correspondence had been received. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to chase the Enforcement Officer for a reply.

d. Vandalism had been reported on a number of signs including the bus shelter at the top of Rookery Lane. The signs were the nothing to do with the parish council. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: we would investigate the vandalism on the Bus Shelter.

e.A parishioner had requested a dog bin further up Carlton Road Sudbrook. It was proposed seconded and
Resolved: to discuss this in April as we do have to pay for the supply and emptying of the bins. This would be the new financial year.

a. Railfuture newsletter
b. NHS Bulletin – circulated to all Cllrs
c. Local Councils Update 
d. LALC e-news – circulated to all Cllrs.
e. Clerk and Councils Direct                                
f. LALC Extra General Meeting 16.03.23 at 7.00pm – circulated to all Cllrs.
g. LCC Vacancy Adverts – circulated to all Cllrs.
h. Community Cleaner Report 5.3.23 – circulated to all Cllrs.
I. The Clerk
j. Civility and Respect Newsletter – circulated to all Cllrs.
k. Various Area Surface dressing 03.04.23 to 31.10.23
l. NHS ICB Engagement Issue 39
m. ICCM Spring 2022
n. Railwatch

10.Cemetery and Newton Meadow:
a. Cllr Entwistle told the meeting a working party had been arranged for Saturday 25 March from 10.00am until noon, weather permitting. Parishioners would be asked to bring small hand tools and gloves.

b. The ‘mole man’ had been to visit the Clerk. He had cleared one  mole, but said another had now entered the cemetery and more visits may be necessary. 

11. Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance:
a. The Clerk had requested another litter bin from SKDC for Station Approach, but we did not meet the criteria for one. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to contact Railtrack and see if they would provide one.

b. Two of the dog bins were regularly overflowing, the one on Station Approach and the one at the bottom of Water Lane. The Clerk had found larger bins. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to purchase two large bins, one for each location.

a. The Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 28 February had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook to 28 February and these were signed by the Chairman.

b. The Approval List for Staff BACS Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Approval List for Staff BACS Payments and authorise the Clerk to make the payments amounting to £

c. The Approval List for BACS/DD Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the Approval List for BACS/DD Payments and authorise the Clerk to make the following payments:

SLCC    50% Membership    £69.50
Mr A Newton    Cemetery Expenses    £52.19
James Bell    Maintaining Website    £30.00
Selby Office Supplies    Stationery    £243.20
SKDC    2 Green Bins    £76.00
D Gascoyne    Expenses Nov 22-Mar 23    £74.48
Tidy Gardens    Remove Ivy Parish Hall    £170.00
The Walnut Tree Co.    Sweet Chestnut Tree    £93.20
Edge IT    Year 3 of 5 licence    £620.88
SKDC    Trade Waste Bins    £19.50
SKDC    Cemetery Rates    £167.66
We Do Doggy Doo Doo    Emptying Dog Bins    £180.00

d. Ancaster Athletic FC had requested a donation towards the floodlights recently purchased.  It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to discuss this with Ancaster Athletic FC and report back to the next meeting.

e. The Clerk confirmed that Ancaster Parish Hall is eligible for alternative fuel payment of £150.00.

f. The Clerk confirmed that the business rates for the Parish Hall for 2023/2024 was Nil.

a. S22/2358 Planning permission for erection of grain store Ancaster Karting and Paintballing. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.

b. Cllr Sayer had contacted Bellway Homes re working hours on the site at Wilsford Lane. FOR INFORMATION ONLY

c. S23/0058 Approval of details in relation to condition 8 (EV Charging) of planning permission S21/2500 Land north of Wilsford Lane. FOR INFORMATION ONLY

d. S23/0146 was listed on the weekly planning list 13-17 March 2023. The Parish Council had not received details of this application which was for casting of a new concrete base (approx.18”) on top of an existing base, land north of Willoughby Hall. Cllrs were concerned about a number of issues and it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to write to SKDC Planning with our objections.

14.Parish Hall:
a. The Clerk had written to SKDC re Energy Performance Certificate for the Parish Hall. To date no reply had been received.
The fire door had been left open and someone had been in the hall and there was damage to a lock. It was believed this had been left open by one of the hall users. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to purchase a fire exit sign and investigate a door alarm.

15.Report from Councillors:
a. Cllr Fleming had sent her apologies but had a suggested a public meeting. Cllr Sayer suggested we hold it before the next parish council meeting on 17 April. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to contact Cllr Fleming and ask her thoughts.

b. Cllr Hollick/Dr Entwistle had nothing further to report on  renaming the orchard or Information Board.

c. Cllr Leighton told the meeting that at present we were refused a bus shelter at the top of Rookery Lane. He would continue to investigate.

16.Playing Field:
a. Nothing to report.

a. Nothing to report.

18. Date of Next Meeting
a. The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 17 April 2023 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall Annexe.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

                        Chair ………………………………..
                        Ancaster Parish Council

                        17 April 2023

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the Parish Council Meeting which took place on 20 March 2023 and do not become Minutes of ANCASTER PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the next Parish Council Meeting.