June 2020 Minutes


Present:        Cllr D Sayer – Chairman, 
Cllrs A Newton, A Rock, Mrs J Pearsey, Ms C Fleming, J Leighton, N Barker and Dr J Entwistle    

In Attendance:    County Cllr R Wootten, District Cllr Mrs R Kaberry- Brown and Denise Gascoyne - Parish Clerk

Absent:        Cllrs G Newton, Mrs V Newton, and Ms E Ruggaber

Public Forum:    
There were no members of the public attending. Cllrs did however discuss the concerns of the proposed Sudbrook Quarry. County Cllr R Wootten updated the parish council on the situation and said he had kept the Sudbrook group fully up to date with the latest developments. The planning meeting would not take place before August but would probably be a virtual meeting. District Cllr Mrs Kaberry Brown would be contacting the leader of the Council Martin Hill. She felt that the public should be present at the meeting. A site visit had not been made to the site and she felt it would be wrong to make any decision without a site visit. It was believed that Tamer had purchased more land to the West of the site. The plans proposed passing places on Rookery Lane. District Cllr Mrs Kaberry-Brown was also concerned about foundations of properties being affected and said a geological survey should be carried out.
County Cllr R Wootten said he would report back to say passing places was not enough. Tamar should resurface the road to a good standard and width.  A footpath and 2 streetlights should also be installed. A condition should also be in place that lorries can only travel on A roads and not through Ancaster. He would also ask for a geological survey.
The Chairman said our previous comments still stand, but we would support the stop the quarry group.

The meeting began at 7.50pm

1.Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks:
Councillor D Sayer welcomed everyone to this first ever video meeting.

2.Apologies for Absence:
The Clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons had been received from Cllrs G Nelson and Mrs V Nelson.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that apologies for absence be accepted from Cllrs G Nelson and Mrs V Nelson.

3.Declarations of Interest:
There were none.

4.To approve as a true record the notes of the meeting held on Monday 16 March 2020.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 16 March be accepted as a true record. The Chairman signed the minutes, and these would be returned to the Clerk.

5.Report from County Councillor/District Councillor:
a. County Cllr Wootten said it was the Police Crime Panel meeting on 5th June and if we had any questions we wished to put to the Crime Commissioner please forward. The Chairman said speed enforcement did not appear to be happening and there was certainly an increase in speed since the lockdown. Cllr Wootten agreed.
b. District Cllr Rosemary Kaberry-Brown said she had donated £500 to the Ancaster and Caythorpe Equipment Trust from her allowance. She also said they had held their first District Council meeting on Skype. Not being able to make site visits make planning meetings exceedingly difficult.

6.Highways Issues:
a. County Cllr Wootten said that community small works gangs would be in our area for minor works commencing 27 July for 3 weeks. They had a £3.9 million maintenance fund. A list of the type of work undertaken had been circulated and some requests had already been forwarded to Cllr Wootten. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to resend the list of type of work they would be undertaking, and a list of work already submitted to County Cllr Wootten to all Cllrs.
Cllr Barker asked if the part of the road under the bridge could be totally resurfaced. It has been patched and patched. Cllr Wootten agreed to contract Highways Area Manager but said this was a major job and could not be added to the list for the Community Gangs to complete.

7.Parish Clerk Update:
a. The Clerk had contacted Anglian Water and Wave(Business water rates) to request a bill for the rates at the parish hall. No bills had been received since December 2018. After a short discussion it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to continue to budget for the water rates and to request an invoice in 12 months’ time.

b. The Community Cleaner was continuing emptying dog bins. He had also reported fly tipping to the Clerk which had been further reported to SKDC

a. Updates from ICCM re Coronavirus outbreak – circulated to Cllrs A Newton, D Sayer, and Dr J Entwistle.
b. Local Council Updates April and May 2020 – circulated to all Cllrs
c. LALC e-news – circulated to all Cllrs
d. Letter from Secretary of State – circulated to all Cllrs
e. LCC Town & Parish Council April newsletter – circulated to all Cllrs
f. St Barnabas Hospice Bereavement Support Helpline – circulated to all Cllrs.
g. Temporary Traffic Restriction level crossing Rookery Lane 8am to 4pm 10.6.20.

9.Cemetery/Newton Meadow/Churchyard:
a. Cllr Newton confirmed that grass cutting had started in the cemetery. All 4 quarters had been cut. The protective cages for the thrift now needed putting in. Cllrs Barker and Dr Entwistle agreed to help Cllr Newton at the weekend, as social distancing was possible.
A letter had been received from Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust who had received a letter from a visitor to the cemetery concerned about the thrift being mown right down. Cllr Newton confirmed this was in line with the CES agreement and would write back to Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust.

10.Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance:
a. Cllr Newton said there had been a problem with the invoicing from EnvironmentSK. The staff were all working from home and they had charged the same as last year which included the Churchyard and SKDC areas. Cllr Newton told the meeting that EnvironmentSK were in contact with the Clerk and until sorted all invoices would remain unpaid.
b. Confirmation had been received that LCC safety cutting of highway grass should continue.

c. A request had been received for a further dog bin Railway Siding/Waterwell Lane. Cllrs discussed this fully. Unfortunately, it was not the placing of the bin that was the main problem, it was emptying it. It is the responsibility of the parish council to empty the bins and get rid of the waste, whereas in NKDC the local district council organised this for the parishes.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: not to purchase any further dog bins because of the problem of emptying them.

a. An email dated 20 March 2020 had been sent to SKDC Enforcement Officer re potent sewage like smell from land northside of Willoughby Road. To date no reply had been received. It had been reported that more caravans had arrived on site. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to write to the Enforcement Officer for an update.

b. PL/0034/20 Planning application to construct a wooden framed classroom rear of Ancaster C.E Primary School and planning permission from LCC. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.

c. PL/0029/20 Planning application to continue the restoration of the historic section of Copper Hill Quarry.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to make no comments on this application.

d. S20/00567 No objections from SKDC to contrast a wooden framed classroom rear of Ancaster C E Primary School LCC application PL/0034/20.

e. PL/0110/19 Updated conditions Sudbrook Quarry land West of Rookery Lane Sudbrook had been received. This had been discussed fully in the Open Forum

f. Notification had been received of proposed prohibition of waiting High Dyke Barkston Heath.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to make no comments on the application.

g. S20/0387 Planning permission for tree work 22 Roman Way. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.

h. PL/0046 Planning application for extension to shed 1B (and 1A) to form covered storage area for SRF (Solid replacement fuel)material. New Earth Solutions. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to request fire suppression equipment is installed.

i.PL/0047 Planning application for installation of liquid natural gas storage tank with ancillary ambient vaporisers, hardstanding, security fencing and landscaped earth bunding. New Earth Solutions. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to request fire suppression equipment is installed.

j.PL/0048 Planning application for installation of liquid natural gas storage tank with ancillary ambient vaporisers, hardstanding, security fencing and landscaped earth bunding. New Earth Solutions. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to request fire suppression equipment is installed.

a. Approval Lists for BACS Payments had been circulated. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept retrospectively the BACS Payments as shown on the Approval List.

Environment SK Grass cutting £1262.40 E-On Electricity Sudbrook Phone Box £55.07 ICCM Subscription £95.00 SLCC Subscription £161.00 Opus Electricity £92.08 D Sayer Chairman’s Allowance £75.00
Approval Lists for staff payments had been circulated.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept retrospectively  staff payments amounting to £1494.70 as shown on the Approval List.

b. The Clerk confirmed that the first half of the Precept of £13390.50 had been received.

c. The Approval List for staff BACS Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept the staff BACS payments amounting to £1494.70 as per the Approval List and to authorise the Clerk to make payments.

d. The Approval List for BACS Payments had been circulated to all Cllrs. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept the BACS Payments and authorise the Clerk to make the payments

Euro Office A4 storage boxes £16.93 Amazon Webcams £76.56 Dept for  Communities & Local Govt. PWLB Loan £853.37 Hazel Hill Internal Audit £350.00 Zurich Insurance Insurance £1237.71 Opus Energy Electricity £23.01 P Gascoyne Decorating Annexe £1600.00

e. The Clerk confirmed that the Business Support Grant of £10,000  had been received. This had been transferred to the Parish Hall account.

f. The Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook for April had been circulated to all Cllrs.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by  a show of hands to accept the Bank Reconciliations, Bank Transfers and Cashbook for April.

g. Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019/2020 was read out by the Chairman. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands that Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019/2020 be filled in and signed by the Chairman. This was recorded as Minute reference 12(g).

h. Section 2 Accounting Statement 2019/2020 of the AGAR had been circulated to all Cllrs.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands that Section 2 Accounting Statements 2019/2020 of the AGAR be signed by the Chairman and when received back by the Responsible Finance Officer. This was recorded as Minute reference 12(h).

i. The Internal Audit had taken place and the report circulated to all Cllrs.
It was proposed, seconded and 
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept the Internal Report.

j. A request for a donation had been received from Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire(CAB).
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands not to send a donation.

k. The Clerk had spoken to both Wave and Anglian Water about non receipt of invoices since December 2018. Both companies seemed to be blaming each other. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to keep the £600 as per the budget for water rates.

13. Parish Hall:
a. The annexe had been completely re-decorated. An estimate had been received for the whole of the parish hall including corridor and toilets.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to get another estimate for the work.

14.Report from Councillors:
a. Cllr Leighton reported that since lockdown nothing much had happened. However, he had managed to talk to Openreach. A 6’ concrete base 20sq.ft by 6” deep would need to be  put in before the shelter could be erected.
It was proposed, seconded and 
Resolved: by a show of hands that the Clerk pass on the details to Cllr Leighton of the company that erected the village gates.

15.Sudbrook & West Willoughby Village Hall:
a. It was confirmed that the Trustees have successfully updated the charity’s objectives.

a. LALC had confirmed they are organising remote training soon.

17.Date of Next Meeting:
a. It was proposed, seconded, and
Resolved: that the next meeting will take place on 15 June at 7.30pm – format to be via Zoom

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending this first ever Zoom meeting.

This part of the meeting closed at 20.52pm and County Cllr R Wootten and District Cllr R Kaberry-Brown left the meeting.

18. To resolve to move into Closed Session:
a. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands that the Parish Council move into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted.
The meeting continued in the absence of the public and press. (Not for publication by Virtue of Section 100(a) Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.

Following a full discussion, it was proposed seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands the Chairman be given permission to look further into this.

This part of the meeting closed at 21.07pm

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the Virtual (ZOOM) meeting which took place on 18 May 2020 and do not become Minutes of ANCASTER PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the next meeting.