February 2021 Minutes


Present:            Cllr D Sayer (Chairman)
Cllrs J Leighton, Mrs E Ruggaber, A Rock, A Newton, N Barker, Ms C Fleming, Dr J Entwistle, Mrs J Pearsey and Mrs V Nelson

In Attendance:    County Cllr R Wootten, District Cllrs Mrs R Kaberry-Brown, I Stokes, one member of the public and Denise Gascoyne Parish Clerk

Absent:            Cllr G Nelson

Public Forum:
The member of the public suggested that we contact Biffa-waste re emptying dog bins. He was a former parish councillor and said that is what their parish council had done. Cllr Sayer said at present we were using the bin at the parish hall, which we pay for, so until the parish hall opens we will continue as we are. 
Cllr Dr Entwistle reported that a modification order – Addition of restricted Byway 1156 and record part of Restricted Byway 12 with a width.  Definitive Map Modification Order 2019 had been received by some residents in the vicinity of Byway 12.  The clerk confirmed she had received no such notification but had contacted the Planning Inspectorate asking for clarification.

The meeting began at 7.45pm

1.Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks:
a. The Chairman Cllr D Sayer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.Apologies for Absence: 
a. The Clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons had been received from Cllr G Nelson.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that apologies for absence with valid reasons be accepted from Cllr G Nelson.

3.Declarations of Interest:
a. Cllrs Mrs J Pearson Item 13(e) Planning.

4.To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the meeting held on 18 January 2021. The notes had been delivered to the Chairman for signing. Cllr Dr Entwistle asked for Item 17 Training Zoon to be changed to Zoom.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands that minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2021 be accepted as a true record once the Chairman had changed zoon to Zoom. The Chairman signed the minutes, and these would be returned to the Parish Clerk.

                                Initialled ……………………….
5.Report from County Councillor/District Councillors:
a. County Cllr Wootten reported that all actions had been carried out. 
The Chairman reported that the potholes in the village were the worst they had ever been, although some had been filled in. Highways had reported that they were pushing for a large patching scheme, but this would not be done in the immediate future.
County Cllr Wootten had received reports of vibration to some properties where the houses shake. Cllr Sayer suggested a vibration meter could be purchased or hired to measure the levels. Cllr Wootten said that before a weight limit could be requested, the  parish council must demonstrate that we need one in the village. 
It was suggested that double yellow lines could be asked to be placed outside the co-op to stop lorries parking on the pavement etc. County Cllr Wootten agreed to investigate.
Cllr Mrs Nelson said that the manhole cover across the crossroads was visibly breaking up more every day. Although this had been reported to Fixmystreet, nothing seems to be happening. Cllrs Mrs Nelson agreed to take photographs and forward to County Cllr Wootten and he would investigate.

b. There was  no report from District Cllrs I Stokes and Mrs R Kaberry-Brown. They said at present it was the budget at SKDC that was being discussed.

6.Speed Watch:
a. Nothing to report – no speed watch activity allowed due to Government Guidelines.

7.Highways Issues:
a. Confirmation had been received from County Cllr Wootten that patching works on Rookery Lane had been provisionally programmed for late September 2021, to ensure there is minimal inconvenience to Woodland Waters. He also confirmed that permission has not yet been granted for the passing places on Rookery Lane, and until that happens there will be no exporting of mineral from the site.

b. Highways had confirmed that the ditches at the West End of Carlton Road from the 30mph sign westwards are not the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council. It is the responsibility of the adjacent landowners. Investigations would take place as to whose responsibility it is for the gully on this road.  The Highways Officer had been on holiday, but Cllr Wootten assured Cllr Newton that he would be in touch to arrange a meeting.

c. The footpath along the A153 had been flooding due to the recent bad weather. Cllr Newton suggested cutting a V shape in the verge to allow the water to drain away.

8.Parish Clerk Update:
a. The SKDC ‘Big Clean’ have been asked to clear the footpath from the Old School Water Lane to the railway crossing. They are due in the village around the 15th of March 2021.

b. SKDC reported that the garage on Ermine Street was not listed. They have referred it to Building Control and the Highways authority will decide whether this is causing a hazard.

                                Initialled ………………………..
c. The Pop Up Create Arts day was scheduled for 15 April 2021. The Clerk had met with the organisers. Due to Government guidelines this would not be advertised, however it would still take place. Further details would be received nearer the time.

d. The Clerk had contacted Cllrs Ian Stokes and Rosemary Kaberry-Brown to ask why SKDC will not empty the dog bins, when neighbouring NKDC empties all the bins. The parish council provides the bins, but they are emptied by the district council.

e. The Parish  Council had been notified of further flooding on the track adjacent 33 Mercia Drive. This has happened before, and Anglian Water rectified the problem. Unfortunately, there was nothing the parish council could do but the information had been forwarded to County Cllr Wootten.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to write to the owner for an update.

f. The  May Bank holiday 2022 will be moved to Thursday 02 June 2022 and an additional Bank Holiday on Friday 03 June 2022 will see a four-day weekend to celebrate her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – the first time any British Monarch has reached this historic milestone. The actual date is 06.02.22. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to keep this on the agenda and to contact the playing field and social club to ensure they had no cricket fixtures that weekend, so a village event could be organised possibly on the playing field.

a. ICCM updates – forwarded to Cllrs Newton, Dr J Entwistle and D Sayer.
b. LALC e-news – circulated to all Cllrs.
c. LIVES request for a donation. As no budget had been allocated, it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: not to donate at this time.
d. LCC Town & Parishes Newsletter Jan.2021 – circulated to all Cllrs.
e. Local Councils Update – forwarded to Cllr Sayer.
f. RSN Rural Funding Digest. Feb edition – circulated to all Cllrs.
g. Public sector newsletter – circulated to all Cllrs.

10.Cemetery/Newton Meadow:
a. Cllr Newton had obtained quotations for grave identification to be attached to the memorial beams in Newton Meadow. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to allow Cllr Newton to purchase the necessary discs and investigate getting them pre stamped or purchase of a stamp.

b. Cllr Newton had submitted the community orchard grant application and was awaiting approval. The planning season was November through to March and he was hoping for volunteers to help with the planting. Cllr Newton had created a map which showed the different pollination periods.  Cllr Dr Entwistle was talking to the school about helping with the project.  It was suggested we could have beehives, but Cllr Dr Entwistle said the school  may not be able to help if there were beehives. 

                                Initialled ……………………….
c. Cllr Newton reported that he had spoken to Edge IT  re electronic records instead of the old burial registers. The Epitaph systems allows the parish council to put photographs etc on the system. Some information would have to be put in the additional information column such as funeral director etc. This would not be a problem. Training would be arranged once restrictions are lifted.

11.Grass Cutting/Grounds Maintenance:
a. Two grit bins have been placed in the cemetery. There is one near the gate and one near the notice board. They have been filled with grit for anyone to use.

b. The grass cutting agreement for the verges had been returned to LCC signed by the Clerk.

a. The Approval List for staff BACS payments had been circulated to all Cllrs.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept the staff BACS payments amounting to £1555.62 and to authorise the parish clerk to make the payments.

b. The Approval List for BACS/DD payments had been circulated to all  Cllrs.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept the following BACS/DD payments and to authorise the parish clerk to make the payments.
SKDC    Trade Waste Bins 2 months    £34.66
Andrew Newton    Cemetery Expenses    £72.18
Prowebs    Email hosting and licence    £89.99
LALC    Training Scheme    £150.00
Opus    Electricity    £61.94
James Bell    Website monthly fee    £25.00
LexisNexis    Arnold Baker Local Council Administration    £126.99 *

*Wilsford Parish Council will repay 50% of this reference book.

c. The Bank Reconciliations and Cashbook to 31 January 2021 had been circulated to all Cllrs.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: by a show of hands to accept the Bank Reconciliations and Cashbook to 31 January 2021.

d. Quotations had been received for the Community Fruit Orchard. These had all been attached to applications for funding. 

e. Cllr Ms C Fleming RFO had checked the finances for the parish council. She said she was happy with the way the Clerk kept the records.

f. The Clerk reported that she had prepared all the paperwork and passed to the Internal Auditor. She had requested the report and paperwork returned by 16 April 2021.

                                Initialled ……………………….
a. S20/1169 Outline planning application (amended) erection of up to 96 dwellings (ACCESS TO BE CONSIDERED ONLY) land north of Wilsford Lane. District  Cllr Stokes said this was for access only. He was concerned that on the original Local Plan the building should have been on the other side of Wilsford Lane. Cllrs agreed that the Section 106 funding should be directed towards new changing rooms on the playing fields.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the comments already sent still stand.

b. SKDC public consultation of the draft design guidelines for Rutland and South Kesteven 29.01.21 to 12.03.2021 – circulated to all Cllrs.

c.S21/0011 Planning application for proposed equestrian barn incl. Manege and horse walker. Sudbrook House.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.

d. Planning Policy Consultation from 05.02.21 to 19.03.21 – circulated to all Cllrs.

e.S21/1021 Planning application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and condition 3 (materials) Beechwood House West Willoughby.
It was proposed seconded and
Resolved: to make no comments on this application.

f. S20/1736 Planning permission for erection of extension to service station, alterations and use of first floor as office etc. Willoughby Road garage. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.

14.Parish  Hall:
a. The plumber would be reminded to update his quote for heating. Left in abeyance until the next meeting.

15.Playing Field:
a. Nothing to report.

16.Report from Councillors:
a. Cllr Leighton reported that the bus shelter base should be in this week. As soon as that is in the bus shelter can be erected. We will have to purchase a sign to hold the timetable and a no smoking sign.

b. Cllr Sayer and Cllr Newton had been looking at Christmas Trees. All permissions were now in place. The tree needed to be pot grown to build root ball up. It was suggested a 9’ or 10’ tree would be suitable and would survive. Purchase price is between £480-£550. County Cllr I Stokes agreed to donate some money out of his Cllr allowance April 2021.     

                                Initialled ………………………

a. Cllr Dr Entwistle asked if parish councillors should receive further  training considering the recent Handforth Parish Council meeting that went viral.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to list what training is on offer for the next few months.

18.Date of Next Meeting:
a. The date of the next zoom meeting was confirmed as 15 March 2021 at 7.30pm

There being no further business this part of  the meeting closed at 21.08pm

19. To Resolve to move into Closed Session:
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: that the Parish Council move into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted.

The meeting continued in the absence of the public. (Not for publication by virtue of Section 100(a) Para.4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.
After a short discussion it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to award the grass cutting contract to EnvironmentSK for the price of £5121.19. The Clerk to write and thank the other companies that had quoted.

There being no further business this part of the meeting closed at  21.29pm

                        Signed: ………………………………….
                        Chairman: Ancaster Parish Council
                        Ancaster Parish Council
                        15 March 2021            

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the virtual (ZOOM) meeting which took place on 15 February 2021 and do not become Minutes of ANCASTER PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the next meeting.